The advantages of working with All Action Water Damage, a Certified Insurance Claim Specialist

Insurance Trained Experts - We Work With Your Insurance Company
With over 25 Years of experience, we know how to get your property back to normal in an efficient manner.
Direct Billing to Your Insurance Company
As Insurance Reimbursement Specialists, we bill all major insurance carriers and will handle all aspects of filing insurance claims for homeowners and commercial businesses so you don't have to!
Peace of Mind - Professionals That Give You That Extra Assistance
All Action Water Damage will take care of any concerns about insurance companies for you, the customer!
Rest assured that we will do everything we can to make your water, mold or sewage damage experience as painless as possible.
A Trustworthy Guide Loyal to the Customer - We Help Alleviate the Insurance Aspect
We will help alleviate your stress by explaining our process to you every step of the way, steering you through the requirements of your property insurance company.
Stressful parts of handling an insurance claim include negotiating with your insurance provider. We will take this job off your shoulders so you and your family can concentrate on getting back to your life.
Assistance in Insurance Claim Submission
There can be a lot of paperwork and documentation involved in the insurance process. Our Insurance Claim Experts help you navigate the insurance claim maze with ease and recover your settlement check in a timely manner.
We Help Get You Back To Pre-Loss Condition
We work hard to help expedite the process of getting your property back to pre-loss condition with your insurance company.
As our top priority, we are dedicated in assisting you with receiving your property loss settlement check in a timely manner. This includes obtaining the maximum settlement possible.
We have years of experience handling the negotiation process while protecting our clients' interests!
We Protect Your Interests Above That of the Insurance Company
We Work for YOU & make the protection of your health and property our top priority!
Some insurance carriers have preferred restoration contractors that they recommend. Ofttimes, they have arrangements with these contractors to handle insurance claim losses in a certain way, with pre-determined prices set. These preferred restoration companies might not hold the protection of your health and property as their top priority.
We take pride in OUR responsibility to interpret insurance policies and formulate, present and negotiate claims on your behalf.
Once our restoration work is complete, we work diligently with your insurance provider to get your claim processed as quickly and efficiently as possible. We believe our job is not done until we have assisted you with getting your property back to pre-loss condition.
Customer Rights: As the insured, you have the option under your insurance policy and the right under California State Law to select the restoration company of your choice.
Nobody is better equipped to walk you through this process than our California Water Damage & Cleaning Insurance Specialists - thanks to our decades of local experience and well-established relationships with all major insurance providers!