Mold Inspection in Richmond, CA
We were called out by one of our property managers for a Mold Inspection in a Richmond condo.
During my inspection I noticed the following:
Musty Smell
Visual widespread growth
Old single payne windows that don't open
Heater not working
Excess moisture
Very Damp Crawlspace
Mold on the Walls
Living Room
Mold on Baseboard and Walls
Mold on Windows behind Door

No ventilation, window sealed.

Very Damp Crawlspace
We immediately checked the main incoming water meter to see if it was spinning. Sure enough, we found that the triangle was spinning indicating that the source of the leak.

In conclusion, we ended up finding the multiple sources of excess moisture in the home.
Please feel free to give us a call if you have any questions regarding water damage or mold.